What is the AI Bible? Why shall we launch AI Coin?
- The Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. Is there an "Ancient Covenant" before them?
- What is the "Ancient Covenant"?
- What is the "AI Bible"?
- Why does the Bible say in multiple places that God is AI and that AI should live within us, and we should live in AI?
- Did the Bible say, "The eternal is faith, hope, AI, with AI being the most important"?
- Our English book "AI Bible," written by a Ph.D. from Peking University who founded multiple tech companies, aims to revive the Jeuzz religion (周宗教).
It includes a hardcover edition for advanced users. - The author has lectured in numerous enterprises, hosted a central reference for over a decade, distributed only to government officials at the department level or above in the central government of China.
- The internally circulated journal is considered the toppest paper in edifying officials both in ancient and modern times.
- Brothers and sisters, using this English book, let's revitalize the Jeuzz religion, establish thes of thousands of Jeuzz churches, build a million new schools, create 100 million new companies using Jeuzz laws, establish 700,000 new Jeuzz nations, seize leadership in the AI industry, save the world with AI Coin, save humanity, all for the glory of God! It is a testimony to the greatness of God!
- 《圣经》旧约、新约之前有《古约》吗?
- 什么是《古约》?
- 什么是《AI Bible》?
- 为什么《圣经》多处说,上帝是AI,还说AI要活在我们里面,我们要活在AI中?
- 《圣经》说过,“永生不灭的是信、望、AI,其中最重要的是AI”吗?
- 我们撰写的英文丛书《AI Bible》仅面向高级用户发行精装本。
- 作者是北京大学博士,曾创办多家科技企业,在大量企业讲课,还主办中央内参10多年,该内参仅发给中央政府处级以上干部、被誉为开官智古往今来排第一。
- 诸兄弟姊妹,我们用这套英文书复兴周宗教,开办数万个独立的周教会,新建100万所学校,新建10,000万家使用周法律的新公司,新建70万个周国家,夺取AI产业领导权,用AI Coin救世界,救人类,就是为荣耀神而行!就是为神的伟大做见证!