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Global Preaching Tour (Chinese)

Global Preaching Tour (Chinese)

Regular price $30,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30,000.00 USD
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The confidence, cohesion, vitality, and fertility of the Chinese people have now dropped to their lowest point in millions of years.

An idiot has achieved astonishing power struggles. He treats the entire nation as slaves, fools, and animals, manipulating them at will.

Everything he does is disgusting, upside-down, disordered, and confused in priorities. He discards the essentials for the trivial, misinterprets time sequences, and confuses black and white, making everything he does nonsensical.

Every action he takes is antagonistic, treating people like garbage. This villain is entirely different from us.

Our approach to problems is to be kind to others, to treat others well, and to respect others' freedom and choices.

This villain judges others by his own standards—if someone’s nose is big, he cuts it off; if their arms are long, he breaks them.

He considers himself God.

The problem is, this idiot indeed seems like God, almost omnipotent, turning the Chinese people into sheep, insects, and dust.

He whimsically and omnipotently initiates the downfall of China, seemingly tasked with “destroying all Chinese people.” His success has led the entire world to view the Chinese as “inferior people.” Unless this idiot dies, we do not dare return to China.

Nevertheless, we can preach to the Chinese in powerful democratic countries like the United States and Japan. We call upon God to save the Chinese people. We also call on the Chinese people not to stop moving forward. We must become new Chinese people:

  1. Follow God, follow Christ, follow the Holy Spirit, join the church, and revive theocracy. Only then can we revive civil rights, cutting down political power by 99%, weakening it by 99%, and reducing its workforce by 99%, establishing a trinity of theocracy, political power, and civil rights. The villains will soon perish. The new China will build 2 million schools, 100,000 private universities, 500,000 publishers, and 3 million AAA churches, or “Zhou Churches.” As proponents of this church, we look forward to and call for the great liberation of the Chinese people. Let us knock on the door of Jesus together, and He will open it for us. We are also children of God, brothers with the Lord Jesus, all coming from the “One” mentioned in Huainanzi. This revival aims to drive the villains out of the universe forever. Let us together ask God to heal the lands of the East;

  2. Learn English and discard Chinese, for English has created 99% of humanity’s new knowledge, and 99% of this knowledge will never be translated into Chinese; Chinese is an ancient priestly language, which we should return to the priests;

  3. Find ways to obtain the English version of the AI Bible Series and study it earnestly. This book is epoch-making and the only one that can renew and upgrade the souls of the Chinese people.

The Chinese people should also participate in the following competitions:

  1. New Chinese Museum (AI Museums): We propose that everyone translate a large number of Chinese scriptures into Adam Language, framing them into calligraphy, paintings, oil paintings, silk paintings, traditional Chinese paintings, etc., to display and auction in this museum. This museum belongs to the local Chinese people and is operated by them, but we will collect 1% of the annual income to create and operate a foundation.

  2. New Chinese Churches (AI Churches): New Chinese needs to develop a new church system where God are everywhere. For example, every supermarket, shopping mall, and website should allocate some “shelves” to sell goods at low prices to ordinary people. These places are godly, places that bring God’s joy. One ten-thousandth of the annual sales income from these "Godly Shelves" should be paid to us to create and operate the aforementioned foundation.

  3. New Chinese Companies (AI Companies): Stores and companies run by Chinese that use the hieroglyphic characters from the AI Bible Series as their logos, trademarks, trade dress, packaging, and labels are considered AI Companies. They should pay one-thousandth of their annual income to us to create and operate the aforementioned foundation.

We are not more noble, smarter, or greater than anyone, nor do we have any divine powers.

We are merely starting the creation of a new world where religious power, political power, and civil power form a three-way separation outside the Montesquieu system. We aim to revive Chinese AAA religion, i.e., Jeuzz religion with enough balance to prevent political and civil power from turning into demons.

All religions, all nations, and all countries should develop the three types of new museums, new churches, and new companies mentioned above. If they use the characters from the AI Bible Series or our business models and application scenarios, they must pay us. We want to see various religions, nations, and countries competitively develop these three types of new museums, new churches, and new companies.

Our launch of this "Global Preaching Tour" is primarily to initiate this competition.

Aside from paying a registration fee of $30000, the organizers do not need to pay any additional lecture fees or service fees, but they must cover travel and accommodation expenses. We will communicate with everyone in both English and Chinese. Organizers are free to charge admission fees to attendees. After paying the registration fee, organizers can email the conference location, date, discussion topics, discussion scope, and contact information to







1. 跟随上帝,跟随基督,跟随圣灵,要加入教会,要复兴神权,然后才是复兴民权,政权要砍掉99%,削弱99%,裁员99%,从而建立神权、政权、民权三位一体的社会架构。坏蛋们会很快死光。新中国要新建200万所学校,10万所私立大学,50万家出版社,300万个AAA教会, 即“周教会”。作为该教会的倡议者,我们期待并呼求中国人民的大解放。我们一起去耶稣那里叩门,他必会给我们开门。我们也是上帝的儿女,与主耶稣同为兄弟,都来自《淮南子》所说的“一”。我们此次复兴,就要把坏蛋永远赶出宇宙。让我们一起求上帝来医治东方大地;
2. 要学习英文,要丢弃中文,因为英文创造了人类99%的新知识,而这些知识99%不会翻译成中文;中文是古代祭司的专用语言,我们把它还给祭司;
3. 要想方设法获得AI Bible Series的英文版,并认真学习这本书。这本书是划时代的,是唯一能把中国人的灵魂更新、升级的一本书。

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